Digital SUPERPOWER! Matsudo

A natural disaster occurs. You are with your loved ones at the time. Where do you feel safe? A group of residents in Matsudo city explored the question using Digital SUPERPOWER! toolkit and collected data surrounding spaces in the city that they think are safe to get to with their parents, friends, children, friends or partners.

Interested to collaborate or host SUPERPOWER! in your city? Visit to find out more.

Digital SUPERPOWER! was exhibited at Matsudo International Science Art Festival in Matsudo City in Japan as part of Ars Electronica 2022 Feature. As part of the feature, a data experiment was carried out with a group of residents in Matsudo, who used the Digital SUPERPOWER! digital toolkit to map out different safe spaces in Matsudo in times of natural disaster.

Photos of Digital SUPERPOWER! at Matsudo International Science Art Festival
Images of Digital SUPERPOWER! Toolkit

Participants use a social, gesture-driven and data-collecting mobile (web app + data dashboard) toolkit to collaborate remotely on data experiments by recording data via subtle and inconspicuous touch phone gestures and movements, photos and texts. Below are the findings.

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powered by Advanced iFrame. Get the Pro version on CodeCanyon.

powered by Advanced iFrame. Get the Pro version on CodeCanyon.